2015 Car Show

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These photos courtesy of John Sulentich, 4860 Tilton Road, Richmond, BC, V7C-1K8, Canada(silvrfox@telus.net) 1-604-278-2562

He attended our show and was gracious enough to forward them to us. Here are some particulars from our show.

We had 83 pre-registered – only a few no-shows – 60 registered day-of-show for a total of 143 vehicles.

37 trophies were awarded

We have no idea how many spectators – we don’t have a way to count.   Lots of people were there.

Music, Bingo, Door Prizes, Raffles were all provided.

Highlights of raffle items:  2 Welders >$750 each, tool cabinets, Belair Bar stools, Coca Cola bicycle, …

Sponsors that provided cash, door prizes, and raffle items:

Premier Sponsor – Michael’s Chevrolet of Issaquah          http://www.chevroletofissaquah.com

KyleDevelopment                                                                          http://www.kyledevelopment.com/

American Plating and Show Quality Metal Finishing          http://www.metlfin.com/

NW Classic Insurance                                                                     http://www.gotinsurance.com/

Wesco Autobody Supply                                                               http://wescopbe.com

Art Morrison Enterprises                                                              http://www.artmorrison.com

Good Chevrolet                                                                                http://goodchev.com

Titan Professional Tools                                                                 http://titan-us.com

Triple-X Root Beer Drive-In and Virginia Mason provided the show space.
