Club Meetings

NWCCC is in the process of finding a new, long-term location for our monthly meetings. If you know of a meeting location in the Seattle eastside that has dedicated space for a group up to 30 people plus WIFI and power for us to host our meetings online, please let us know at

Until we find a new location, we are holding our meetings at member homes/garages/shops. If you’d like to join us and want to know where our next meeting will be held, please contact us at We welcome everyone to our meetings and hope you’ll consider joining our club.

We meet the third Thursday of each month, except December. Meetings start promptly at 7:00 PM and are usually one hour long. Most members and visitors show up a bit early to visit and check out any club classics at the meeting.

For those further away, we now have a remote attendance option using Zoom. If you cannot make it in person to a meeting, consider joining us online! Contact us at for details.

Please contact us at if you have questions or comments.